Thursday, January 5, 2012

How do you know if your Load Test has a bottleneck

The bottleneck in a system may not be obvious. (Life would be easier but less fun if there where always easy to find). This is because there are two types “hard” and “soft”. Hard bottlenecks are the ones where a resource such as a CPU is working flat out which limits the ability of the system to process more transaction. While a soft bottleneck is some internal limit such at number of threads or connections that once all used limit the ability to process more transaction. Therefore, how do you find know if you have a bottleneck. If you are looking at the results from a single load test you may not know you will need to run multiple load tests at different numbers of virtual users and then see if you number of transactions per second increase with each increase in virtual users. The results can be seen in the two graphs below. The first shows how the throughput (transaction per seconds) increases and levels off when saturated and the second shows the response time. You will probably have heard the express below the knee of the curve and this is an the point that is to the left of the bend in the response time graph.

Throughput Graph
Throughput Graph
Response Time Graph

The graphs above where actually generated using a spreadsheet model for the performance of a closed loop model. This is like LoadRunner and other testing tools where the are a fixed number of users that use the system then wait and return to the system. The reality is that the performance graphs may look different from the expected norm. An example is shown below from a LoadRunner test the first graph shows how the number of VUser where increased during the test and the second graph shows the increase in response times. In this case the jump in response time is dramatic. However, in some cases the increase in response time will be less dramatic as the system will start to error at high loads which will distort the response time figures.
Example LoadRunner VUser Graph

Example LoadRunner Graph Showing Increasing Response Times

Having discovered there is a bottleneck in the system then you have to start looking for it.

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