Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Different Performance tests including Peak Performance and Stability

Peak performance test:-
This test is done to analyze the application peak performance. To achieve peak performance we have to slowly ramp up the users and see the response times and TPS with increase in users. At a certain point TPS will stay flat and response times increase and in some cases TPS decreases and thus increases response time with increase in users.
The point where TPS starts staying flat is the peak performance point and this is how we do peak performance test.

Break point test :-

We do break point test in the same line as peak performance but we don’t stop the test once we reach peak point, we continue to increase users and see when the application breaks, that means we see the errors per sec graph along with vusers and transaction response time and transaction per sec graphs.
As we increase load on the application beyond peak performance, application cannot handle it anymore and at some point it starts throwing errors and you see a spike in the errors per sec and that's the break point for that application for the given test conditions.

Typical reasons for the application to reach breakpoint:- 
1. Queue length is increasing and the wait time at that queues for new request reach max wait time and thus will throw error
2. No Connections available to take new requests
3. Threads are busy and are waiting for other system resources
4. Concurrency of the objects being instantiated reached its limit
5. DB connections are full
6. JVM heap memory is not sufficient.

Stability test:-

We have to know the peak performance point to perform stability. Once we are done with peak performance test and know the max number of user’s app supports we run stability test for an hour or 2 at the peak point or 5-20% more load than peak point. Note that we assume break point does not come immediately after peak performance point.
eg - if peak performance is at 90 users and break point is 100 users then we can run stability at 95 or 90

As part of performance testing, other tests we do are Regression, Load, Stress, Soak/Endurance

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