Thursday, August 25, 2011

Key Performance Indicator

Optimal Value
What if not Optimal
Can Cause
System\Context Switches/sec
This counter gives the combined rate at which all processors switch from one thread to another. This counter is indicative of hardware devices functioning properly.
Context switches per request (Context Switches/sec divided by Webservice\Total Method Requests/sec) should be low. As a general rule, context switching rates of less than 5,000 per second per processor are not worth worrying about. If context switching rates exceed 15,000 per second per processor, then there is a constraint.
If this counter suddenly starts to increase, it may be an indicating of a malfunctioning device. If CPU utilization is low and very low level of context switching, it could mean that threads are getting blocked.
Increased %Processor Time
Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread.
Less than 85 percent.
This counter suggests either there is too much load on the system or there is some other factor causing the CPU to shoot up. This counter shall be used with % Privileged Time or Processor Queue Length
System Unstability
System \% Processor Queue Length
% Processor Queue indicates the collection of threads that are ready but not able to be executed because there are threads in execution.
Less than 2
This counter indicates there is too much load on the system or application threading logic needs improvement, If CPU %Time is constantly 85 percent or higher with PQL of 2 or more, then CPU is the bottleneck. If the CPU time is low with PQL of 2 or more, then threading logic shall be investigated.
System Unstability
LogicalDisk\% Idle Time
% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
Greater than 5 %
If the value is less than 5% means disk is really busy. The Value should be greater than 20% typically.
Increased %Processor Time
LogicalDisk\Average Disk sec/Read
Avg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
Less than .015 sec
if the value is more than .025 sec that means disk is bottleneck. Response Time would be affected.
Increase Response Time
LogicalDisk\Average Disk sec/Write
Avg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
Less than .015 sec
if the value is more than .025 sec that means disk is bottleneck. Response Time would be affected.
Increase Response Time
Memory\Pool nonpaged Bytes
This counter displays the last observed value of an area in system memory that contains objects that cannot be written to disk because they are still being referenced.
Steady or No more than 10 percent increase since system start up
Increase of this counter indicates a potential memory leak.
System Unstability
Memory\Available MBytes
This counter gives the amount of physical memory available to processes running on the computer in Megabytes.
25% of physical memory.
It would mean the application is not getting enough memory to operate and could result in application slowness. A gradual decline in Available memory may indicate a memory leak.
Memory Leak
Pages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults.

Multiply this value with Physical Disk\ Avg.Disk sec/Transder and if the product of those 2 counters exceeds 0.1, then this would indicatres that RAM shall be added, because paging is taking more than 10 percent of disk access time
Memory Bottleneck
Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec
Indicates the rate when data send and received on the network adapter
Less than 80% of the network bandwidth
This counter will indicate if the Network bandwidth on the Adapter is getting bottleneck
Adapter Bottleneck
Server \Bytes Total/sec
Indicates the rate when data send and received on the network
Less than 50% of the network bandwidth
This counter will indicate if the Network bandwidth is getting bottleneck
Bandwidth Bottleneck

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