Friday, August 26, 2011

Removing Zero from the Date in VuGen LoadRunner


Enter start date and end date and date should not include zero before actual value of month and day.

Invalid date format: 08/26/2011

Valid date format: 8/26/2011


1.      //variable declaration
char month[10], day[10], year[10], startDate[10], endDate[10];
int nonZeroDay, nonZeroMonth;

/*if you want to run script for multiple interactions then you have to nullify
the concatenated string before starting new iteration otherwise it
will keep the old value*/
strcpy(startDate, "");
strcpy(endDate, "");

//original date which contain zero in the date
lr_save_datetime("Today’s Date is: %m/%d/%Y", DATE_NOW, "normalDate");

//for generating non zero start date

//to assign the current date parts to a parameter
lr_save_datetime("%m", DATE_NOW, "month");
lr_save_datetime("%d", DATE_NOW, "day");
lr_save_datetime("%Y", DATE_NOW, "year");

//to remove zero from the string. e.g.getting '4' from '04'

nonZeroMonth = atoi(lr_eval_string("{month}"));
lr_save_int(nonZeroMonth, "month");

nonZeroDay = atoi(lr_eval_string("{day}"));
lr_save_int(nonZeroDay, "day");

//creating a date string using concatenation of nonzero date parts and separator '/'
strcat(startDate, lr_eval_string("{month}"));
strcat(startDate, "/");
strcat(startDate, lr_eval_string("{day}"));
strcat(startDate, "/");
strcat(startDate, lr_eval_string("{year}"));

lr_save_string(startDate, "p_StartDate");
lr_output_message("Start Date is: %s", lr_eval_string("{p_StartDate}"));

//for generating non zero end date by incrementing date by one day offset
lr_save_datetime("%m", DATE_NOW + ONE_DAY, "month");
lr_save_datetime("%d", DATE_NOW + ONE_DAY, "day");

lr_save_datetime("%Y", DATE_NOW + ONE_DAY, "year");
nonZeroMonth = atoi(lr_eval_string("{month}"));
lr_save_int(nonZeroMonth, "month");

nonZeroDay = atoi(lr_eval_string("{day}"));
lr_save_int(nonZeroDay, "day");

strcat(endDate, lr_eval_string("{month}"));
strcat(endDate, "/");
strcat(endDate, lr_eval_string("{day}"));
strcat(endDate, "/");
strcat(endDate, lr_eval_string("{year}"));

lr_save_string(endDate, "p_endDate");
lr_output_message("End Date is: %s", lr_eval_string("{p_endDate}"));



Today’s Date is: 08/26/2011
Start Date is: 8/26/2011
End Date is: 8/27/2011


1 comment:

  1. Nice and good article. It is very useful for me to learn and understand easily. Thanks for sharing your valuable information
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